
charlie owen

  • john pettex 2024

    I wish I could remember more of the first half of the year… Not sure if I should blame the Melbourne Bitter longnecks. Likely culprit. This is pretty close to a Top 10..

    Big love to all involved in the SoundPressing projects and tours throughout the year. In particular Mark Spinks (Gravel Samwidge) and Skeleton Boy (Art Gray Noizz Quintet) who spurred an incredible split 7”that was mail ordered and posted to all corners of the globe.

  • matt allison 2024Favourite Live Gigs in Sydney

    DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS (Metro Theatre):

    It was a long time between drinks but
they finally made it back to our shores and gave the crowd an Alabama
ass-whuppin'for the ages! With 14 studio albums up their sleeves it's
impossible to hear all of your favourite tunes,but it was a wonderful
evening of top-shelf Southern Rock whichever way you slice it.

    CHEAP TRICK/THE ANGELS (Enmore Theatre): 

    A crackin' night of pop-infused rock'n'roll from the get-go. I loved The Angels back in high school but lost interest by the late 80s, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear a
solid set of classics by a rejuvenated lineup now boasting 4 x Brewsters
in the ranks! They'll never have a frontman as great as Doc Neeson, but
they're still a fun night out. Cheap Trick were in top form delivering
hit after hit - if you don't enjoy these blokes you may be in need for a
check-up from the neck up!

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