“Black Raw” has an undertow of pliable bass-lines push-pulling against nagging guitar figures with Courtney Delaney’s rich vocal rising over the top. The ethereal opening of “Federale” quickly shifts into a rock-hard boogie that stretches before sharply applying the brakes.
The band labels itself a “boogie woogie acid western groove machine” and that’s no more evident than on “Creature Preature” where greasy harmonica duels with glistening guitar and an early ZZ Top feel. Lots of rise-and-fall dynamics on this one and Delaney’s vocal gets to stretch out over its five-plus minutes.
“Roadhouse” ups the ante in rawness and layers some vamping keys behind the trademark bluesy guitar squawl, while Bonnie Blaxall nails down the beat.
Steven W. Schouten (recording and mixing) and the ubiquitous Mikey Young (mastering) have rendered a clear-headed, unadorned sound that suits the material. Buy a digital copy here or the black vinyl thingie here.