
big al top ten 2018As another year draws to a close, your friend and mine, Mr. Craig T. Barman has requested I compile my top ten list for 2018 to be published on the esteemed I-94 Bar.

So, I turned my mind to the events of the year – and there have been as many standouts as low points – however, I think a lot of those have already been covered in a very heartfelt way by some of my compatriots here.

Needless to say, the loss of so many great musicians this past year – and the stellar support lent to those in dire need of it – has exemplified the way the “rock n roll community”, both performers and punters alike, pull together and lend of themselves a little bit more for who and what they love when the going gets tough. It’s been both saddening and heartening in one.

Now onto the list: I was reading a recent post on the social medias about a study that posited most people ceased seeking out new music around the age of 28-years-old. “What bollocks!”, I exclaimed to the socials.

Well, this may be true of a lot of people – but not the kind of people I know (and I’m sure not you, kind reader, being a lurker on the I-94). These are the ones who are forever curious; always hungry for the new; always the ones with the gleam in their eye when they are telling you about some new band or artist “you’ve just gotta hear!”; the ones who never declare “rock is dead!” or “there is nothing new that’s any good!”

I thank all of those people for keeping me in the loop of what’s going on because I too crave and thrive on new music; whether it’s all new or undiscovered (for me) gems from bygone eras.

So I decided to compile a “110% list” of tracks released in 2018 that “flipped my switch” and pile them all into a Spotify playlist (apologies to those who eschew Spotify or other streaming services – but I’ve recently discovered Spotify streaming via Chromecast Audio gives a pretty good bit rate stream!)

There are some artists missing who are not available through Spotify and I would’ve added them to this play list if they were. Most notably the Phringe Dwellers’ fantastic album, 300 St. Claire and a few others I forget right now.

Anyway, I’ll let the music speak for itself - here’s hoping you enjoy the mixed bag!