Frank Meyer (Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs, Trading Aces, Highway 61) Top Ten Records for 2023:
Top Ten for 2023: Frank Meyer of the Streetwalkin' Cheetahs
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- By Frank Meyer
- Hits: 2926
The Dwarves - "Concept Album"
Blag Dahlia knows how to write a hook, that’s for sure. Be it a pop hook, a rock hook, a hardcore hook, a brutally heavy metal hook, the guys just knowns that every song boils down the hook. And he always keeps it short and sweet. Don’t bore us, get to the chorus. I appreciate the call to action, the brevity and the sense of humor.
Fishbone - "Self-Titled" EP
Been loving this band since I was a wee teen and this EP reminds me why. When these guys get down to business, they write fantastic pop songs that touch on many genres at once, rock, metal, punk, funk, reggae, ska, soul, jazz, and more. Yet for all of it’s bold musical fortitude, it always seems effortless, wild and fun. It’s a magical combination.
Fear - "For Right And Order"
Is Lee Ving the greatest singer in punk rock? In my opinion, yes. Is Fear my favorite west coast punk band of all time? Yes. Is this album absolutely as great as all of their past classics? Yes. There you go.
Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders - "Sons Of The City Ditch"
One of the greatest voices in American rock ’n’ roll and roots music, Pat Todd has been making my life a better place with his music since I was a teen. Huge inspiration.
Billy Tibbals - "Stay Teenage"
Hollywood’s young Marc Bolan with a Silverhead crunch, Hollywood Brats snarl, and Roxy Music strut. The girls love it and he makes the boys dance.
The Uni Boys - "Buy This Now!"
The current L.A. underground answer to the Modern Lovers or even Flamin' Groovies. The current kings of the Neo-glam movement in my fair city and worthy successors to the gilded title.
The Linda Lindas - "Growing Up"
Absolutely fabulous power pop with plenty of bite from these youngsters. Makes me happy to hear the kids playing such fiercely awesome rock in the modern era.
Slamdinistas - "Shoot For The Stars"
Killer Stonesy Los Angeles band featuring terrific vocals from Gabriel Johns and the legend Loren Mollinare from The Dogs and Little Ceasar on guitar.
The City Kids - "Pure Filth"
Full disclosure: I co-wrote the song “Falling Down” and my Trading Aces bandmate Dennis Post plays guitar in this UK-based punk-hard rock band. Fuller disclosure: I would still be a fan cuz they SMOKE! Think Motorhead meets Social Distortion meets Wildhearts.
Frank Zappa - "Overnight Sensation (50th Anniversary)"
Holy smokes is this re-issues jam-packed with funk!!!! This is Zappa at his most slinky and jammy, with a crack band capable of anything and everything…. and that’s exactly where he pushes them. You cannot imagine the treasure that lie here, my friends.