
evan richards

  • a comedy of horrorsA Comedy of Horrors - Burn in Hell (Beast Becords)

    “It’s rock and roll, Jim, but not as we know it.”

    That might make sense if you’re a Trekkie, but of course you’re not. 

    You are?

    Leave now.

    (ED: Sorry. Robert Brokenmouth has hacked this review. Normal transmission will be resumed, momentarily.) 

    Burn in Hell is from Melbourne and is as rock and roll as AC/DC. Makes sense. The band comes from the home of AC/DC Lane, for fucksakes. They just play their songs as readily in waltz time as in 4/4. “A Comedy of Horrors” is their fourth album in close to 10 years and it’s off-the-wall, curious, warped, challenging and thoroughly enjoyable. It's an album for people who hate the mundane.