
glitterhouse records

  • taken by the dream"Taken by the Dream" rates seven bottles. Two more than five because, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, I never think this man is going to surpass what has gone before. Hell, I mean, what man could? Like Mick Medew (see my last review) and Bob Dylan, Race is a lifer.

    Is Hugo Race some sort of madman? I think of him as a fearless troubadour, the man on the tracks, vulnerable and determined.

    To be honest, in this era of rabid conformity to stock characters (I use this last word loosely) and ephemeral goals clung to like bull mastiffs to intruder's gonads, yes, I reluctantly concede that Hugo Race is indeed some sort of madman. Hell, Jesus was mad as a brush. I mean, totally canary-cage.

  • zonar-rosesplitIf you’’re aware of the Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project you’ll already know the quality of the acts contributing to the ongoing series of musical tributes to the late Gun Club frontman. Here’s another salvo, this time in the shape of a double A-sided seven-inch single pairing a punk rock supergroup of sorts with a super garage rock group from Scotland.