

  • musictochasecarsCanines chase cars and humans drive them, so I’m not sure where the name comes from for this second album for Dom Mariani’s instro/surf music offshoot. It is probably just a signal that they’re not taking it all too seriously. It’s doubtful the disc contains sounds with frequencies too high for all but animal ears, but it sure sounds damn fine when you’re behind the wheel.

  • turn-up-the-sunStar billing for Mr Mariani in the band name these days is no surprise. He's been leading this diverse and floating crew for years and they've never failed to deliver on a promise of broadening the limited palette of traditional surf music. Putting Dom's moniker on the cover won't hurt sales and most of the playing is his own work.

  • kelpIt's winter in Australia so it's time to launch a surf album. Not sure of the logic of that but "Underwater Casino" is not your average instro' surf effort.