
Jann Uhelszki

  • mc5 oral historyMC5 – An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most Revolutionary Band
    By Brad Tolinksi, Jann Uhelszki and Ben Edmonds
    (Hachette Books)

    The MC5 finally made it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2024. Or Hall of Lame, as we like to call it around here. As an institution, it really is a clusterfuck of inconsistency and the Five deserved to be there an eon ago.

    You might argue that the band’s history, for the most part, was a contradiction of missed, ignored or mis-handled opportunities – and you’d be right. This much-anticipated tome is proof positive – if it were needed – of that.

    Decent books about the Five are hard to find. The late Wayne Kramer had a go and succeeded to a degree (although parts smelt of revisionism). Bass player Michael Davis released his own equally harrowing autobiography, posthumously, that filled some gaps. Both books were single viewpoints, however. “MC5 – An Oral Biography…” is a shot at the big picture and fills a vacuum.