
lachey doley

  • chris virtue 2020CHRIS VIRTUE
    Sydney radio host*
    Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

    Top Ten in Twos

    1. Two Hendrix covers

    Lucie Tiger – The Wind Cries Mary"
    Sydney country singer transcribes one of Jimi’s more melodic tunes for solo piano with stunning effect, but leaves the song intact. Lucie acknowledges where it’s come from, but takes it somewhere new. Hear it

    Lachie Doley - "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)"
    Sydney blues and soul keyboard master gives the whammy clavvy a serious workout on this. Check out the vid.

    2. Two political songs

    Chuck Prophet – "Get Off The Stage"
    Subtle demolition job on the soon to be Toddler-in-Chief. The late great John Prine rates a mention even though the song was recorded pre-Covid because (as Chuck said when I interviewed him) everyone needs to listen to John Prine.

    Matthew Caws– "When History Comes"
    Nada Surf front man delivers one of the best protest songs in decades. Totally in your face without being cruel and ends with a rallying call to vote because “it’s important”.