
sex punk power

  • sex punk power cvrSex Punk Power – Grindhouse (self released)

    Grindhouse – Melbourne’s most sexy band (their words, not mine) -  have released their fifth album. Fuck, this band has been busy. That’s five albums, numerous singles and a couple of split singles. And gig after gig, here in Australia and in Europe .All since forming in 2014.

    “Sex Punk Power” is just a really good album with plenty of garage rock to keep you, well, drinking VB after VB.

    Grindhouse is fronted by Mick “Two Fingers” Simpson on vocals, guitar, grunts and groans. He’s accompanied by Rick Audsley on guitar, Adrian Cummins on bass and Neil Matthews on drums. They’ve also called on the fabulous talents of Shannon Cannon from Juliette Seizure & The Tremor-Dolls on vocals and guitar.