
tell me tell me

  • benny j wardFollowing the release last month of the new EP "Periodical Fits" by his band LEECHES!, Rhinearts and ex-Screwtop Detonators member, Perth punk and powerpop everywhereman, Benny J Ward, has released his first solo single "Tell Me Tell Me" on Cheersquad Records

    With a career that spans 20 years, half a dozen bands, a dozen albums, EPs, and singles; it would be safe to assume that Benny J Ward has scratched all his musical itches. No. Taking a sojourn into solo territory, Benny J hunkered down in the studio he built with his bare hands, and produced the first single ever released under his own name – the psychedelic garage pop belter "Tell Me Tell Me".

    This is not the first time Benny J has gone solo. Back in the early 2000s he caught the attention of Triple J with his ginger pride-themed country-music alter-ego The Lone Ranga (subject matter that would later resurface in five-piece alternative outfit The Red Panthers).

    "Tell Me Tell Me", however, is the first time Benny J has played every instrument on a track – from his native guitar to the bass and drums – as well as recording and mixing the tune himself.

    You can buy it here.

    The adorable icing on the cake; Benny J enlisted his 10-year-old son, Sonny J Ward to create the animation for the video clip to "Tell Me Tell Me" – following an inspired 2am New Year's Day kitchen brainstorming session.