
retaliate firstThe long-awaited Radio Birdman biography from Australian writer Murray Engleheart is on the launch pad, ready for release.

“Radio Birdman: Retaliate First” is drawn from more than 150 interviews with band members, their closest associates, devotees and observers and will be published on July 2.

You can pre-order here.

A 448-page opus in paperback format being published by Allen & Unwin, it threatens to be the last word in text-rich Birdman books.

(The title of Best Visual History already belongs to the George Munoz-authored "Radio Birdman: When The Birdmen Flew".)

In the words of the publisher’s blurb: “Sydney's legendary Radio Birdman were a stake through the satin and scarfed hearts of the mid seventies' music scene, revolutionising the conservative Australian industry in the process.

“Regarded as one of the earliest punk bands, before the world had heard of the Sex Pistols, Birdman were feared and loathed by many, yet adored by fiercely loyal fans. But their story has never been told in depth—until now.

“From tales of singer Rob Younger filling his mouth with sheep brains from a human skull to fans breaking limbs while dancing wildly at gigs and publicans cutting the power in a desperate bid to halt their force-of-nature-like performances, the Radio Birdman story is one of confrontation, commitment and inspiration.”

The timing is good with the 2024 version of the band playing Australian tour dates in June and July, most of them sold out or close to it.

Author Murray Engleheart has co-written a best-seller about AC/DC (“AC/DC Maximum Rock & Roll“) and his own chronicle of the Oz Rock scene, “Blood Sweat and Beers - Oz Rock from The Aztecs to Rose Tattoo”.