i thought thunderboltYoung Melbourne Indie band Big League have released their first album, “I Thought Thunderbolt”. What the fuck that title means is anybody’s guess, but it doesn’t matter when the music speaks for itself.

The follow-up to “The Dandy Hub” EP is a joy; good pop songs, fuzz guitars and trong song-writing. It’s sure to get airplay on enlightened Melbourne community radio stations like PBS and Triple R.

Travis Velthoven (vocals/guitars/sythn) is a songwriter of some note, Marie Blake (bass) gives certain tunes a Pixies kind of sound with her bountiful backing vocals and strong bass playing. Daniel Crynes (guitar) and drummer Dave Soetman round out the membership and it’s a combo that keeps my speakers pumping and sounds more than a little fresh.

“Amcor Asphalt Plant Disaster” and “Best In Show” are two wonderfully-crafted tunes that had The Dimboola Farmhouse windows shaking violently. ”Feel Good Peace” is just an awesome song.

“I Thought Thunderbolt” is an album that could sit in the Indie section in any record store in the world and hold its own and you would not know this was a band from Melbourne. That’s fabulous.

You can find Big League on Bandcamp and also that shop in Flinders Lane, Melbourne, known as Off The Hip Records.
