Directed by Danny Boyle (DisneyPlus)
Okay, I’ll be first to admit that the trailer looked like a cold turd in a lunch box. I did, however, persevere and found that I enjoyed this six-episode series enormously.
Not that everyone will. Fans of a perfectly delivered chronology are going to be nit picking every scene and episode like bickering zealots at a secular conflict. Anyone who watched the CBGB movie and complained about how such and such wasn’t in the audience the night so and so did this or that is going to be in for a particularly unpleasant viewing experience. You know who you are.
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- By Bob Short
- Hits: 4338
JOBRIATH A.D. (2002)
Written, produced and directed by Kieran Turner
Weird times we live in, to paraphrase John Waters. We've gone from people rebelling against rules, to becoming fanatical lil' rule-mongers, themselves. That's some crazy shit, and you gotta wonder what's up with all that.
Probably the most moving film I've seen since "Beautiful Darling", the also poignant Candy Darling story, is "Jobriath A.D." You might know he was one of the first openly gay, glam, wouldbe seventies rock stars, who was first discovered whilst singing in the Broadway play, "Hair". In the hippie dippy era, he made a baroque pop album with a band called Pidgeon. He was drafted by the army, went AWOL, and did time in a military psychiatric facility. He came from a tragically broken family and his mom never fully accepted him, because of his sexual identity which caused him acute pain. He was a really sweet, upbeat, positive force as a young person, a painter/singer/composer/piano playing prodigy but the cruel music industry weasels around him kinda turned him more cynical and sad, almost overnight.
He was living in an unfurnished squat in L.A. as a male hustler when it seemed he was rescued by a huckster manager famous for nightclubs in NY named Jerry Brandt-Brandt overhyped Jobriath as the next Elvis, Beatles, and Bowie all rolled into one. He appeared on oversized billboards in Times Square, in splashy magazine advertisements and on the sides of buses in major cities. He had a cool live band actually, called the Creatures, with some kooky costumes by Stephen Sprouse.
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- By JD Stayfree
- Hits: 3670

Peter Jackson (dir)
Disney Plus
Disney plus. Shit. I'm still waiting for Disney Plus to cast on the television.
I was waiting for a mission but, when I got one, I'd never want another.
"Do you remember that film 'Let it Be'?"
The voice in the corner was passive. It was as if the answer didn't matter, only how I phrased my response.
"That hour-and-a-half piece of wank with the Beatles bitching at each other? They end up playing on the roof? Yeah. I've seen it."
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- By Bob Short
- Hits: 4477
Brisbane-based Aussie rockers Suburbia Suburbia are making a noise since the release of their song "10lb Hammer" through MGM Records in April. Here's a taste of their bogan rock. If you're lucky you can still pick up a copy of their "In The Fridge" album, reviewed here.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 4724
"Boy Howdy: The Story of Creem Magazine"
Alamo Ritz Theatre
Austin, TX U.S.A.
Thursday March 14 2019
,I was surprised to learn that there was a documentary film on Creem magazine. Then, I was pleased to learn that it would be featured as part of the South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, TX
As I'd planned on attending SXSW this year, I thought that I'd look into seeing it.
In the early 1970s, I discovered Creem Magazine. I must've been about 13-years-old. The magazine was quite a bit different from the magazines that I'd read. It was irreverent and enthusiastic. Creem was based in Detroit, Michigan and offered coverage of Musicians and Bands from that region. It was during this time that I'd discovered The Stooges and The MC5.
I remember after bringing home my first issue that my Mom asked me not to purchase Creem anymore. Of course, I continued to do so.
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- By Tom Couch
- Hits: 6026
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair
Some chipper go-getter types, reportedly, have had wonderfully gratifying early educational experiences, they seem to remember fondly. They are most often, obedient Ken & Barbie yearbook committee types with prominent last names, from bigass two storey homes nestled behind many old trees, and have nice cursive handwriting and strong math skills, own a lot of golf shirts in at least 31 various shades of Baskin Robbins, dutifully participate in sports, roller-skate, cheer-lead, earned many merit badges, and have already memorized the entire big bamboozle bullshit whitewash Murkkkan history that photo-shops all the hard and painful facts about this violent blood soaked empire settler colony that was built on the genocide of natives with the labor of slaves.
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- By General Labor
- Hits: 7137
More Articles …
- Back Behind The Kit - TV4 documentary
- Mad Marc Rude: Blood, Ink & Needles. Directed by Carl Schneider
- Scenesters: Music, Mayhem & Melrose Ave (1985-90)
- The Dark Clouds preview is one wild ride
- Descent Into The Maelstrom: Brilliant documentary of a time, place and people
- "Gimme Danger" is neither a success or a failure
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