
gunfire dance

  • darren birch 2020DARREN BIRCH
    Bass player for Black Bombers and former member of Gunfire Dance, Brian James Gang, Walter Lure and The Godfathers
    Birmingham, UK

    It's been a funny old year! I managed to play one gig before the world shut down and didn't get to see any. From the beginning of March, I couldn't leave the house for 15 weeks so books and music became my friends....

    My Top 10 for 2020:

    1.) “Sing Backwards and Weep” by Mark Lanegan. His autobiography.

    2.) “The War is Never Over” by Nick Soulsby. A book and companion piece to the Lydia Lunch documentary of the same name.

    3.) “Just A Shot Away. 1969 Revisisted” Volumes 1 and 2 books by Kris Needs.

    4.) “Diminished Responsibility: My Life as a UK Sub and Other Strange Stoies” (book) by Alvin Gibbs

  • witness to the crimeWitness To The Crime – Gunfire Dance (Easy Action)

    If you loved the Damned, Thee Hypnotics, Bounty Hunters, and Lords Of The New Church, be sure to order this gorgeous Gunfire Dance vinyl album from Easy Actionand play the motherfucker as loud as you can.

    It is a posthumous compilation and a thing of real beauty, designed by Dave Twist with liner notes by yours humbly, and features some really beautiful, seldom seen photos of our UK lads from back in the day.

  • viva la revolutionViva La Revolution – Black Bombers (Easy Action)

    Yeah, alright, it took a little while to get to me.

    And yeah, by now you've heard they've broken up.

    Which, if there were any justice in the world, would've been more worthy of a spot on the ABC than that meeting between two psychopath grifters in New York a couple of weeks back. 

    (Sorry? well, one of them was on trial and spouting lies and misinformation every time he turned up, and the other is yet to be on trial but absolutely should be but hey. She'll be right, mate.)

  • electrajets portait

    "There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in..." (Cohen)

    One of the most exuberant and enlivening, new, modern bands I've discovered in what seems like forever, ElectraJets, is led by an Englishman named Jeff Ward and a Canadian named Cynthia Ross.  You might be hip to those names from the B-Girls, Gunfire Dance or New York Junk, but the forthcoming full-length album, "Transatlantic Tales", is by their Gotham band, ElectraJets.

    It's a rocket through time and space, pulsating with an irresistible beat and likely to appeal to fans of Detroit protest music, Julian Cope's Black Sheep and "Cut The Crap" busking. There's something here for fans of Pretty Things or Blue Cheer, so beautiful it hurts Love & Rockets-style nocturnal pop, '60s prog, '70s glitter, Marc Bolan, Bowie and the Stones.

    I told an old pal how awed I am by the ElectraJets' extremely formidable rhythm section, who have a total mastery of that boot boy stompin' 70s' Slade/Leader Of The Gang/Bo Didddley beat, that makes you wanna get out of  your sad old man chair and dance in front of the mirror. It's down the rabbit hole rock 'n' roll, with many varying moods, genres, textures and layers - from delicate memories to volcanic eruptions, bruised romanticism and rooftop hymns. It's far-flung and forward thinking, neon hued and cinematic, and it will make you involuntarily want to move your body.


    jd monroe 2022

    THE GODFATHERS "Alpha Beta Gamma Delta"
    One of my favorite '80s kid rebel bands still making top notch punknroll with smart lyrics, Beatles quality melodies, and  new wave movie romantic vibes. So great, exactly the kinda music I wanna hear in my elderly Goth years. I totally vibe with every note on this modern day masterpiece. They still speak straight to my heart. 

  • Right...2023 from Birminghamham in the UK...here we go...

    1 Civic – “Taken by Force”
    Great follow up to their first record. Produced by Rob Younger and carrying on the great tradition of Oz rock'n'roll in the good old Saints/Birdman fashion.

    2 Skull Practitioners – “Negative Stars”
    Steve Wynn/Dream Syndicate
    guitarist Jason Victor's own thing...Great record...Power trio taking in Proto...Post...And everything in-between..!

    3 Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions – “Vol 4 - The Task Has Overwhelmed Us”
    Fourth and possibly last of these compilations. All the usual suspects: Cave..Lanegan etc...Great.