
julie mostyn-gilbert

  • julie and johnThe second instalment of “Raining Treasure”, the rather excellent countryfried salute to Sydney underground rock and roll’s heyday by Sydney’s Urban and Western master, John Kennedy, is on its way.

    A crowdfunding campaign is in full swing and rewards range from autographed copies with your name on the cover to a show in your own home.  

    You can make sure you’re part of the action with John and his band The 68 Comeback Special by going here.

    The second in a series, “Raining Treasure Vol 2” will features covers classic ‘70s and ‘80s songs (and obscurities) by The Boys Next Door, The Riptides, The Passengersand  Radio Birdman.How do you say Yeah Hup with a country twang? 

    Flaming Hands vocalist Julie Mostyn-Gilbert is a guest on the album and is pictured at the recording session with Kennedy.