

  • masuak-eternosYou can't just live in an idyllic and rustic part of Spain and sit back. Chris "Klondike" Masuak has teamed with local major label band Los Eternos to crank out these two attention seekers.

  • Chris Masuak (Radio Birdman, Hitmen, Screaming Tribesmen) has a new music video live and it's a taster for a forthcoming album, currently in production with his Spanish band, The Viveiro Wave Riders Associaiton. Here it is in all its stark glory, showcasing the "dead centre" of Klondike's adopted home town of Viveiro, in northern Spain.

  • Our favourite Canadian-born guitarist, Chris Masuak of Radio Birdman/Screaming Tribesmen/Hitmen fame, has a cheap and cheerful film clip doing the rounds online for the B side of his "Another Lost Weekend" single on Spanish label New H. Here's "Animal".


  • let-me-turn-you-onCompiler Geoff Ginsberg of Real O Mind Records nails it in the opening words of the liner notes when he observes that rock and roll is music for old people, made by old people. Not only is no-one appearing on this collection of 20 songs aged under 40, some have offspring who have been on the planet for longer than three decades. The clattering of canes and rattling of Zimmer frames never sounded so good.

  • klondike-red-stratThe announcement of an Australian tour by a re-tooled Radio Birdman has provoked a savage reaction from overlooked guitarist Chris Masuak.

    Speaking from his home in Spain and amplifying his comments via his Facebook page, Masuak described his exclusion as “cowardly and vindictive”.

    “Despite my declared readiness, willingness, and assurances to put the band's interests and reputation well ahead of any personal differences I am ‘not invited to participate’ in the upcoming tour and promotion of the ultimate release of a band I have been associated with for 40 years,” Masuak said.

  • The new album from Chris Masuak and the Viveiro Wave Riders is out in early August on I-94 Bar Records and we’ve opened pre-orders. The lead-off track "1776" is embedded above. Place an order here.

    “Address to the Nation” is full of trademark Masuak melodies and power with harmonies, a wide-ranging record where powerpop gems rub shoulders with bristling, muscular rock and roll, and punk. It’s in a similar vein to its predecessor, “Brujita”, but a touch harder-edged and more pointed, with lyrical insights about life, love and the sorry state of geopolitics, all powered by Klondike's ace Spanish band There’s also a healthy dose of satire, lurking deep in its grooves.

    If you pre-order, your copy of the CD will be sent the day the album arrives back from the pressing plant. You’ll also receive a full digital copy, with bonuses, shortly before. If you're in the market for vinyl, we'll keep yuou posted. 

  • Here’s the official film clip for "Gun Song", the politically-charged track from the Chris Masuak & the Viveiro Wave Riders album "Address to the Nation" on our own I-94 Bar Records. Find it for sale here. The clip was produced by Jonathan Sequeira of Living Eyes Productions/Cheap Music Videos who is also the man behind the Radio Birdman documentary, “Descent into the Maelstrom”.

  • kn40 front smCanadian-expat Aussie Chris “Klondike” Masuak’s the kind of guy who likes to put pictures of his guitars (Strat! Robin! Perspex Dan Armstrong! Firebird!) on his records (like his pal Deniz Tek did on his back-from-the-Navy career restarter “Take It to the Vertical:). One gets the sense that Klondike’s the kind of cat who just purely loves to play, and is as much of a fan as a muso.

  •  Chris Masuak at Resurrectionfest 2022 by Santiago Carollo 1

    Chris Masuak at Resurrectionfest 2022 by Santiago Carollo


    Is it really that time again? 

    I can never summon up the ennui to diss Christmas. I get that it pushes some people’s buttons but I’m bucking the buzzkill. 

    This is the time to be relentlessly cheerful, if not for your sake, for those that  need it.  

     So, put “A Christmas Gift For You”, “Rockin’ Little Christmas”, and “It’s Christmas Time Again” on high rotation.

     At mind numbing volume!

  • Band leader Deniz Tek has responded to fan commentary about Chris Masuak's omission from the touring line-up of Radio Birdman. In a brief Facebook posting this afternoon, Tek said:

    "Thank you, all those giving your support ! We are totally stoked to be able to go out and play again. To those disappointed with the lineup change, I understand - and yes, it will be different without Chris. The decision to go on without him was not taken lightly. We will not discuss the reasons for it in public."