

  • mad marc rude"He was a cocked pistol." -Robert Williams.

    Mad Marc Rude grew up in ‘60s New York, the son of an abuser cop and negligent mom, who frequently expelled both him and his sister from the family home. He attended Woodstock the year I was busy being born. 

    I think I first became aware of him as a teenager, when I read an article about the Hollywood punk underground in the pages of Rolling Stone. I already published a shitty fanzine and was the rowdy front man for a defiantly outcast Midwestern garage band that performed covers of Dead Boys, Misfits, Cramps, and Gun Club songs, as well as some sucky Dead Kennedys influenced originals with cartoonishly banal titles like, "Victims Of The System". 

  • Straight off the back of his old band’s December Australian tour, ex-Misfits guitarist Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein has released his solo debut “Abominator” to bloodthirsty horror-punk fans across Australia, ahead of plans to tour here sometime this year.