
round eye

  • Expatriate Americans living in Shanghai in China, Round Eye have unleashed a video to accompany their song “Billy” which is a stringing critique on the state of politics back home.

    Round Eye recently signed to the Canadian label Sudden Death Records (owned by DOA’s Joey Shithead) and collaborated with the late Stooges sax man Steve Mackay on an eponymous record "Round Eye" last year which you can hear and download via theiur Bandcamp (link below).

    “We've lived here for 6 years but have never neglected the issues of home,” explains singer Chachy. “This video is our open letter to the United States.  We really put a lot of work into this to ensure the message is very loud and very clear.”

    Round Eye on Bandcamp

    Round Eye on the Web


  • dtg china

    You thought Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un were breaking new ground in geopolitics? Deniz Tek and solo band are undertaking a quick-fire tour of China this week. 

    The seven-date tour includes a Shanghai screening of "Descent Into the Maelstrom". The shows are being organised with the assistance of Shanghai-based Round Eye, a band comprised of US expats who have previously played Chinese gigs with M.O.T.O. and Paul Collins Beat. .