
sonics rendezvous band

  • scott-morgan-3-chords-boxYeah, it's obvious that this has been a long time coming. Compiler and Real O Mind Records chief Geoff Ginsberg toyed with the idea of a Scott Morgan box set and put a version together - as a one-off for friends - many years ago. But now the real deal's here, with the involvement of Ginsberg as compiler and UK label Easy Action honcho Carlton Sandercock as issuer, and you'd be a fool to miss it.

  • john pettex 202110. Subterranean // 4zzz Radio
    Judy Jetson's show on 4ZZ-FM in Brisbane on Fridays (4-6pm) does a fantastic job on reminding you the weekend is here. Her garage/psych play list will send you down obscure rabbit holes. 

    9. Live Music
    Gotta feel for the promoters and the musicians this year. Just when you thought we're back. The mat had been drizzled with baby oil for ease of being pulled from underneath. How do you make plans!?! Hats off to everyone who did - even if there was rescheduling involved. We owe yers all a beer. 

    8. The Doors // L.A. Woman 50th anniversary release 
    An album that sounds as good today as anything you're ever going to hear. Got lost in the repetitive takes of "The Changeling Pt.1" sitting on the train on my way to the Ashes the other week and missed my stop. It'll do that. It's a nice opportunity to revisit Jim.

    7. Supergrass/Rocket Science // Split 7"
    This one was pretty special to work on. Both incredible bands in their own right. Fitting to see them both on the same wax. The project really came to life when CJ Rhodes put his mind's eye to the artwork. Sounds as good as it looks too!

    6.. Even // Reverse Light Years
    These guys continue to stay true to their own sound and don't stray far from their path. For good reason too... Could easily be five or six radio singles on this double LP.  Looking forward to hearing this one come to life on the live stage.

    5. X // Asperations 40th Anniversary
    They didn't waste their time in the studio recording this now essential LP way back then and the world is a better place for it. Found this via RSD 2021. Anytime the spotlight shines on X is fine by me.

    4. The Beatles // Get Back doco
    Lots of smoking cigarettes and drinking tea. Ringo with the patience and timing of a clock. George misunderstood. Lennon living in Paul's pocket, Yoko in John's. An album then birthed out of Paul's arse brought to life by Billy Preston. Brilliant.

    3. Sonic Rendezvous Band // Detroit Tango 
    This band is the greatest. Ever. Nick Royale has done us a favour with this standalone release. Thanks.

    2. Hot Buttered Surfboards // 50 years
    Not sure if there are many wax heads at the I-94 Bar...but man... Terry Fitzgerald... the Sultan of Speed is still keeping the northern beaches of Sydney alive. Morning of the Earth original surfer/shaper and if you give him a holla he'll shape you a surfboard and organise Martyn Worthington to give the board a spray. Total throwback to the 70's..Nuts! 

    1, Coopers // Partnership w/ Sapporo
    Yebisu beer...Once impossible to find outside of Chinatown. Coopers brewery have made this one, fully imported, available at the local bottlo. Worthwhile investing in an occasional cartoon for the fridge. It'll get you pissed.

  • barman 2022The Barman at an I-94 Editorial Board meeting with Our Man in Dimboola, Ron Brown (left).


    Do The Understanding – Ron S Peno and The Superstitions (self released)
    Ron S Peno
    has equalled and maybe surpassed his output with Died Prettyafter a succession of excellent records with his champion Melbourne band. The man needs a muse and found an outstanding one in co-writer and guitarist Cam Butler.This is the Album of the Year.

    The rest in no particular order:

  •  Here's a Top Nine of righteous soul, blues, funk and jazz classics from Scott Morgan (The Rationals, Sonic's Rendezvous Band, The Hydromatics, The Solution, Scott Morgan Band and many more) preceded with one of his own.  


  • volcanics transmissionThis one’s an excuse for a trite throwaway line like: “Rock is back”, right? Because that’s what a mainstream music publication would do. Well, fuck that. You can use the fingers of a one-armed man to count the number of Aussie music mags that would give “Transmission” anything more than lip service - and you’d still have digits left over. The Volcanics deserve better than that.

    This Perth band has been doing the hard rock thing since the early half of last decade - mostly in and around their hometown (although they're on their way to Europe soon.) There’s only one man standing from the original line-up (that’d be singer Johnny Phatouros) but the vision has been consistent throughout. They’re all about delivering straight-up, high-energy rock and roll that goes for the throat. Simple in theory but not easy to pull off without coming off like a re-heated and inferior version of your influences. Which “Transmission” is not.

  •  hydros tony slugTony Slug (left) up front with Scott Morgan in The Hydromatics. 

    Tony Slug, an elder statesman of European punk rock and in part responsible for reviving the legacy of Sonic’s Rendezvous Band in the late '90s and ‘00s, has passed away in Holland after a long illness. 

    The imposingly tall and wildly humorous “Sluggo” (real name Tony Leeuwenburgh) played guitar with The Hydromatics and Dutch bands Nitwitz, BGK and Loveslug.

  •  srb neg Joann uhelszkiGary Rasmussen (left) with other members of Sonic's Rendezvous Band, Scott Morgan, Fred Smith and Scott Asheton. Joann Uhelszki photo. 

    Sonic’s Rendezvous Band bassist Gary Rasmussen has passed away after a short illness. He was aged 72.

    A resident of Howell in Michigan, Rasmussen played bass with some of the region’s most influential bands in the late 1960s and ‘70s. He was a member of Scots Pirates, The Rendezvous Band, The Scott Morgan Group, The Up and more recently, Broken Arrow Blues Band. He also appeared on Patti Smith’s “Dream of Life” album.

    After suffering a sore throat and back pain on Tuesday, Gary was admitted to hospital. He was transferred to University of Michigan Hospital where he was put into an induced coma after doctors diagnosed meningitis. He passed on Friday, surrounded by family and friends including longtime partner Marla Swartz.   

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