
the chordites

  • chordites liveThe Chordites head a night of brisbane powerpop.

    Hey Brisbane! The Chordites, Generation Jones and Gift Horse: Three of the local scene’s finest exponents of Powerpop together for a night of hooky, guitar-driven rock n roll - how can you not love that formula? 

    They’re coming together from 6pm on Saturday, March 4 at the Cave Inn in Woolloongabba for a night of short songs, catchy melodies, power chords and Rickenbackers.

  • taking a rideTaking a Ride - The Chordites (Swashbuckling Hobo)

    This ride’s got a lot of everything. Pop-punk, power pop and grimy garage rock spring from the 10-song vinyl LP like water from a leaky radiator. 

    It’s a self-assured effort from a crew of Brisbane players who - to milk the travelling metaphor - have a bit of mileage on their clocks, doing duty in bands such as the Dolls-meet-the-Groovies Subsonic Barflies,Half a Cow popsters Daisygrinder and '80s punks Death of a Nun.

    That’s a diverse background, so It may have been tempting to make a record with a side of pop and another of the rougher stuff. I have a feeling that such a contrived approach would have been too predictable for The Chordites.