
volume 2

  • foggy notion cvrVolume 2 – Foggy Notion (self released)

    About 12 months ago, we made a bold resolution. “When things open up again, we’re going out as much as we can, just so we’ve enjoyed life before everything shuts down again.” (The immediate reaction amongst friends to our reference to the likelihood of further lockdowns was nervous incredulity.)

    When venues opened up in late 2020, so we stayed true to our declaration, indulging as much live music as domestic logistics and financial realities would permit, preferably younger bands.

    I’d seen Foggy Notion a few times before the world shut down, initially at the behest of James McCann back in early January 2018.

  • glory days vol 2Another 90 Oz Rock songs for 20 bucks. Can’t go wrong, eh?

    This is Festival’s second “Glory Days” offering and it’s inevitably subject to some “mainstreaming”. There’s more chart action and a sprinkling of what might be regarded as lesser-known tracks or rarities, although you could argue they’re skewed from a Melbourne perspective. It's the lesser-known cuts that make this collection tolerable.