
cutthroat brothers

  •  devil in berlinDevil in Berlin – The Cutthroat Brothers and Mike Watt (Hound Gawd Records)

    “Devil in Berlin” is what you get when you pair two punk rock barbers with a Stooge. Say again?

    The Cutthroat Brothers are the US garage punk duo of  Jason Cutthroat(guitar/vocals) and drummer Donny Paycheck (Zeke). Their day jobs really are cutting hair and trimming beards. They've roped in legendary bassman par excellence Mike Watt (Minutemen, fIREHOSE, The Stooges).

    Duos really are the new black in underground rock and roll and their status as configuration du jour seems sure to escalate as COVID subsides and people realise it’s an economical way to gig and stretches the rider further.. 

    And barbers? Dunno about your part of the world, barber shops were never a big thing in Australia. On the other hand, shave shops operated by bearded hipsters are thicker on the ground in our inner-suburban shopping strips than bomb craters in downtown Beirut, so hopefully the blood that the band has wron on previous album covers has come from one of their number.