Hollywood – The Fiction (Off The Hip)
Much water has passed under the bridge since 1978 when The Fiction was one of a handful of struggling punk rock bands in the womb of a nascent Melbourne underground music scene.
Like a spark, The Fiction came and went. Some of their songs made it into the setlist of mod-flavoured pop-rockers Little Murders, which has become as much a brand as a band for vocalist-guitarist-songwriter Rob Griffiths, its only constant member.
Griffiths (vocals) and Rob Wellington (guitar) remain from the original band and although the passage of time may have buffed off the sharper edges, the reconstituted Fiction still trades in high-energy pop punk.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 2094
Keeping Chaos at Bay – Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders (Hound Gawd)
Let’s level up: We’re on a Pat Todd and The Rankoutsiders jag at the I-94 Bar and it’s a jones that can only be satisfied by more of the L.A. band’s trademark Heartbreakers punk ‘n’ Stonesy roots Rock Action.
This is their third killer long-player in as many years – their second in six months! - and the prospect of a tour of Australia later this year just increases the high-rotation.
So if “Keepin' Chaos At Bay” confirms the purple patch that is “Sons of The City Ditch” (2013) and “…There’s Pretty Things In Palookaville” (2021) - the keen-eyed will note there’s an EP and some seven-inchers sandwiched in there, too - and you’re one of the uninitiated, well you’re entitled to ask, Why?
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 2614
I Am Time - Jeremy Gluck (Glass Modern)
This is one of the few times I cannot quantify a musical release. I cannot answer the question: “How many bottles?”
Really? For this? No, you may as well say “I Am Time” is as high as that thing over there, or as round as it is long.
“I Am Time” is a rather startling career overview of the tempting output of one Jeremy Gluck - and, yes, we're all aware of the sniggerment possibilities of Jeremy's surname, so if you quit cackling at the back there we might be able to get to the meat of the matter at hand.
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- By Robert Brokenmouth
- Hits: 2117
Black Hole - Mark Steiner and his Problems (Rabben Records)
Mark Steiner, expat New Yorker (think Piker Ryan's Folly), Oslosian and globe-trotter, has released his third LP. Being a busy chap, it's been a few years between road-trips Down Under.
COVID won't have helped. Remember COVID when large numbers of otherwise normal folks suddenly demonstrated that they couldn't tell the difference between a virus and a bug, came up with all manner of preposterous and completely impossible conspiracy theories (including the one that the deep state is ruled by giant lizard aliens), and generally gave the impression that education for the masses is clearly a waste of time, money and effort?
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- By Robert Brokenmouth
- Hits: 2974
All Bad All The Time – Mad Brother Ward and The Abrasives (Ruined Records)
You have to feel sorry for Punk Rock. Nobody can work out when it was born, so you can’t celebrate its birthday. It’s obviously of advanced age, so it seems a bit woolly around the edges. Everybody claioms to know what it is, yet nobody can agree on a definition.
You’ll know that Mad Brother Ward is Punk Rock as soon as the stylus hits the groove on “All Bad All The Time” and that opening sustained guitar note plunges into Downstroke Heaven. There’s no mistaking the anger in Mad Brother Ward’s delivery, either, as he launches into lyrics about self-loathing and this fucked up world.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 2510
5th From The Sun – Jupiter 5 (I-94 Bar Records)
They say, in space, no-one can hear you scream. Jupiter 5, whose press release comes loaded with an array of retro astro puns, do their level best to mock this adage. They scream and yell, defying age. They do not wish to go quietly into that good night.
Like football hooligans after a surprise drunken victory, they swing from lamp posts and frighten the neighbours. I salute you, polyester-clad space warriors. Long may you laugh in the face of the void.
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- By Bob Short, Robert Brokenmouth & Ronald Brown
- Hits: 4328
By The Seat Of Our Pants - Pilots Of Baalbek (Outtaspace)
Next time somebody tells you that rock and roll is dead, know this: They’re either projecting their own sad existence or they’re looking for it in all the wrong places. The best Rock Action almost always exists on the fringes, never attracting mainstream support because most people don’t know what they like, they only like what they know.
Dig, and you shall find.
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- By The Barman
- Hits: 5616
In The Keep - Flowers for Jayne (self released)
Flowers for Jayne have been floating around for the last for a couple of years with their melodic power-pop blended with James Williamson-style, blazing guitar shredding.
The band is led by ex-Lime Spider, Jayne Murphy, whose background from Sydney’s western suburbs carried with it a staple diet of KISS, Cheap Trick and the cooler sounds of Australian indie- noisy guitar greatness.
Jayne has one part of the pedigree of a great rock ‘n’ roller – she’s an outsider with her own personal tribulations behind her. She has always relied on music to keep going.
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- By Edwin Garland
- Hits: 2571
Tonight We Ride: Official Bootleg Live in Sydney November 13 1991 – Hitmen DTK with special guest Deniz Tek (Vicious Kitten)
Hello I-94 barflies! Ain’t life grand? A new official bootleg recording of the magnificent Hitmen DTK, with special guest Deniz Tek, ripping through a few choice cuts from the Birdman catalogue, How good is that?
But first, the back story.
Hitmen DTK were fresh back from recording the underrated album “Moronic Inferno” in the USA. They hit the road to promote said record in Sydney, Australia, for a handful of gigs.
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- By Ron Brown & The Barman
- Hits: 6137
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